The A to Z of Eating Disorders

Are you worried about your food intake? Do you weigh yourself most days and feel guilty if you gain half a pound? Do strict rules dominate your mealtimes and life, just so you can feel more in control?

The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a road map for anyone who wants a way out of the bewildering world of disordered eating and body-image anxiety.

From anorexia, bingeing and clean eating, to social media, yo-yo dieting and size zero, this book explores these complex conditions from a range of angles, offering valuable insights and hope.

In this inspiring, impeccably researched book, renowned writer and broadcaster Emma Woolf says, ‘Eating disorders cause untold misery and can affect anyone at any time of life. As someone who has lived through anorexia and recovery, I receive emails every day from those desperate for guidance. The A to Z of Eating Disorders helps to demystify disordered eating and sets you back on the path to a happy, healthy relationship with food.’


What it’s like to live with mental Illness

…Most of all, talking matters; honest conversations between me and you and everyone we know. Not pretending we’re OK when we’re struggling, not shoving pastries at ‘skinny’ people in the office or gossiping about them behind their back, but genuine, honest talk. If you, or someone close to you, has disordered eating patterns, if you’re weighing yourself obsessively or exercising excessively, if you’re bingeing or purging after meals, the first thing to know is that there is nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not alone: many people – young, old, female, male, underweight and overweight and everything in between – feel the same way.

This is an extract from my article for Stylist Magazine, out this week. You can read the full version here